May Day Enough is Enough
May Day Weekend:
27 April - 1 May
Enough is Enough !
A celebration celebrating local activism in pursuit of economic and social justice.
Banner designed by Carol Beckett
Laying of bouquets for International Workers Memorial Day, 6.00 pm. Free. The public are invited by High Peak Unite Community to bring bouquets of flowers from gardens and hedgerows to lay under the small tree planted in 2021 in the club’s garden to commemorate this Day. Light buffet provided.
Art Exhibition by Andy Gale and collaborators, 6.30 pm. Free. The art works have been created out of material depicting local activism in pursuit of social and economic justice. The themes covered Solidarity with Trade Unions, Stand Up to Racism, Environmentalism and Povety. Limited edition of the prints are available for sale at £25 with proceeds going to the club.
Launch of Art Open, 6.30 pm. Free. Artworks to be submitted on the them of “Enough is Enough” by September with 10 winners being exhibited in the club in October. There will also be the option to display works on a dedicated website. Detailed terms are available here.
Music with Johnny Campbell, 7.30pm. £10 OTD or £8 ADV from the club, Glossop Community Bookshop or Wegottickets.
Glossop History Walk, 10 am. A guided walk on the social history of Whitfield and Old Glossop. Start from the club and refreshments available at the club afterwards.
Community Collage, 1- 3 pm. Free. Family friendly event for those who just want to drop in for a few minutes or stay until the end. Select pictures around the theme of “Enough is Enough” – or bring your own – and help create an artwork.
Singing Together, 3 – 5 pm. A relaxed, fun taster session led by Annelie Leinhos covering a range of styles and cultures but including some within the theme of the festival. All welcome, even if you can’t sing, and hot drinks will be provided in the interval. N.B. The taster session was very successful and this is now a regular Sunday afternoon event from 3 - 5 pm at a cost of £6.50.
Red Film Club presents “Which Side Are You On ?”, 7 for 7.30 pm. Directed by Ken Loach, this film covers the 84/85 miner’s strike with songs, poems, interviews and documentary footage. It will be followed by a short talk from Terry Revell about the club’s extensive support of this industrial dispute and other members who were involved at the time will be able to give their personal insights. There will inevitably be a discussion on how this dispute may relate to current disputes. [Exceptionally for a Red Film Club, this film will not be subtitled]
The club has published a booklet on the club's involvement in supporting the Miner's Strike and especially a pit in South Derbyshire, while on strike, came under Nottingham which was not on strike.
May Day Parade in Manchester. Meeting at Glossop Train Station for the 1052 train for midday start in Sackville Gardens for family festival.
Taster Session for Glossop Elfins (6-9yr olds), 5.30 – 6.45 pm: Free but donations welcome. Run under the co-operative movement for children –Woodcraft Folk. The sessions aim to help children understand important issues about the world through play and activity. Parents can stay with their children or come and pick them up later. Places do need to be booked in advance via
their website. Just state that you are interested in trying out the session on 1 April in the comments box. You can also contact the group directly by email. The group will be meeting weekly every Monday at the same time.
Poetry Evening, 7.30 for 8pm. The Club’s Reading Group will host an evening of poetry around the weekend’s theme. CANCELLED