Regular activities
Tuesday nights: Glossop Folk Club. A singaround, with a wide variety of folk-type songs, traditional or modern. Also instrumentals or other things – poems, monologues, whatever you want to contribute. A good opportunity to try out your songs (or whatever) in a friendly and informal group. Or just come and listen – no pressure to perform if you don’t want to. Starts about 8 pm. No charge.
Friday nights: Music session. Mostly instrumental (but singers are not barred). Come and join in, whatever your instrument. Mainly folk-type stuff (all acoustic), but anything goes – but be prepared for others to try joining in on your contribution. Starts about 9 pm. No charge for admission.
A selection of 100 tunes (in 3 volumes) that are frequently played at the music sessions at Glossop Labour Club can be downloaded from the Music page.
For the benefit of anyone who may be new to these, or indeed any, sessions, if you know any of these tunes we’ll be happy to join in. Of course you can suggest other tunes – we play lots of others as well, and we’re happy to try to join in new ones. One big advantage of suggesting a tune is that if you start it, we’ll play it at your speed! Very informal and friendly, so an ideal occasion if you are a beginner or are not used to performing together with others.
4th Sundays. Michelle's Music Night. Starts about 8 pm. Come along to sing, share and listen to tunes and songs, poems, monologues from around the world. Contact Bonz Barnes ( for information.
Note that it is the 4th Sunday, not the last Sunday! The same thing in most months, but not always. See the Special Events page for the date of the next session.
Themed Nights. In some months, we have an extra themed session on a Saturday. These usually have appropriate food, and other relevant activities, and are very popular. No charge for admission, but we ask for a contribution to the cost of the food. These themed nights usually start at 7.30. See the Special Events page for information about these themed sessions, when they happen.
We are visited each month by the Glossop Folk Train. This leaves Manchester Piccadilly on the 18.33 train*, with a group of musicians playing on the train. When they get to Glossop, they come to the Club for liquid refreshment and more music before returning to Manchester on the train. (*Train times may change)
See the Special Events page for information on the next Folk Train.
This is not an exhaustive list. Club members will get information each month about activities.
Red Ramblers. An informal walking group, usually 8-9 miles. The last Sunday in the month, starting at 9.30 from the Town Hall ca park for car share or take public transport to the start. All welcome.
Red Amblers (a bit slower) meet the second Sunday of the month:Contact Jan at for more information about the walks. We are a group of friends walking together and are each responsible for our own personal safety.
Five-mile walks. Looking for walks that are not too long, but with a bit of challenge? Alternate Saturdays.
Contact Anne (01457 861398) for more information
Reading group 1st Monday of every month, at 8pm. The group is also continuing to meet on Zoom on Mondays in between to share a varied fare of poetry, plays and short stories, If you would like more information, please contact Anne on
Record club. 2nd Thursday in each month, at 7.45. No record club in August. Come and listen to different genres of music on vinyl, and discuss them. You'll find a lot more about the record club on their website .
Women's Group and Quiz Nights. Currently meeting via Zoom. Phone Anne on 01457 861398 for more details.
Red Film Club. Monthly film showings, usually on the first Sunday, starting at 7.30 (bar open from 7 pm). Mostly films of social/political interest. See the Special Events page for details of the next film and future programme.
Enquiries to
Quiz Night. 2nd Sunday each month. Bar opens 7 pm; quiz starts ay 7.30. All welcome. Come on your own or as part of a team. Entry £1. All proceeds to charity.
Glossop Gamers is a well-established group that meets at Glossop Labour Club on the 1st, 3rd and 5th Saturdays of each month between 12 – 5pm. Also wekkly on Wednesday evenings. Always keen to welcome all newcomers, they have recently recruited a number of new members. With a regular turnout of up to twenty gamers playing a range of board games and table top games such as 40K and Maifaux, this friendly group is open to all. See the Glossop Gamers Facebook page for more information.